HellO! It is the first week in May and there are new images in stOre.YOu have tO leave cOmment tO have the chance tO win this image.
Here is my card
Take care Of my letter as yOu will need it ;)cOz each member is gOing tO have One Or twO letters in their pOst, cOllect them all tO spell Out a message, leave a cOmment On the StOre BlOg which includes Our message & yOu cOuld win the entire new release & $15 in a Sew Many Cards gift certificate!
Here's the hOp Order:
* Challenge BlOg
* Mari
* Radwa--YOu are here
* darling
* Kelly
* Audrey
* Stacy
* Challenge BlOg
* Mari
* Radwa--YOu are here
* darling
* Kelly
* Audrey
* Stacy
* GeOrgia
* Jamie
* Sarah F.
* Tanya
* Sarah C.
* Deanette
* StOre BlOg
Finally, befOre yOu gO Off tO "hOp" check Out this week's freebie Friday,remember it's Only available fOr a limited time:

* Jamie
* Sarah F.
* Tanya
* Sarah C.
* Deanette
* StOre BlOg
Finally, befOre yOu gO Off tO "hOp" check Out this week's freebie Friday,remember it's Only available fOr a limited time: